Scheduling your Boudoir Session is easy as 1... 2... 3... Let me walk you through the whole process with a little humor, because if we can't laugh and cuss, I may not be for you.
1. Text Me.
- This is the hardest part...
2. Ask ALLLLL the questions.
- Even the embarrassing ones.
3. Decide on a session date.
4. Pay Session Fee $350
- Ask me how to only pay $99.
5. Decide on your Collection.
6. Start Pre Payments or pay in full.
- Squeal like a little pig.
7. Immediately vow to stop eating.
8. Start looking at lingerie.
9. Day before your session:
- Think of 47 reasons to cancel.
- Vomit, question your sanity.
10. Morning of your session:
- Shit your pants, want to crawl under a rock.
- Not sure if it's anxiety or an aneurysm.
- Hope it's an aneurysm so you can cancel.
- Hope your kid wakes up sick.
- Consider leaving the country.
- Take a deep breath.
- Put on your big girl panties.
- Do it scared.
11. Get Hair & Make-up done.
- Feeling cute, might bend over.
- Play in the client closet, pick lingerie, wings, Louboutin's.
- Pick your studio sets.
- Pick your Pre Payment Bonuses.
- Get complete posing guidance and instruction.
- Laugh until you pee.
- Take a little swing in the sex swing.
- Wonder how you can make regular job of this.
- Realize your back hurts.
- Blow your own mind.
- Fucking Slay.
- Leave wondering wtf you were so scared of anyway.
- Get in the car and text your besties.
12. Meet me for your Image Reveal.
- Say "that's not me."
- Say "holy shit."
- Cry.
- Wonder again why you were so nervous.
- Struggle to narrow down your choices.
- Want all of them...
- Consider upgrading.
- Fuck it, upgrade.
13. Receive your Album & Digitals.
- Immediately text them to your friends.
- Start thinking of ideas for your next session.
- Plan your own reveal to blow their mind...
- Text a sneak peak to them at work and start some shit.