This page will help guide you through FAQ questions about  sessions at
The Studio After Dark Luxury Boudoir.

Let me answer all the questions that begin popping up the moment you entertain the idea of a boudoir session. 

Yes, you actually do, you just don't know it yet. Every single client tells me that they aren't sexy, make weird faces, and have no idea how to pose.

Then they are mind blown when they see their images EVERY SINGLE TIME. You actually do look like that, let me show you.

We have hair and Make Up Artist to get all that perfect for your session. You are welcome to do your own if you are skilled in that area, but either way it is taken care of, no stress. 

I am here to help! I can link you straight to specific outfits with the exact vibe we are going for, or I have a fully size inclusive client closet for you to borrow from.

I have lingerie in all sizes as well as shoes in every size and style. I also have luxury robes, wings, and bondage accessories. This is the fun and easy part!

Seriously, not only am I going to teach you how to pose, I am going to actually do the pose right next to you!

Also, I have tons of posing cards so you can pick the poses that set your soul on fire before we even start.

This is not something you are expected to know, I set down my camera and get on the floor in the pose to show you exactly, complete with how to pose your face and expressions...

No you don't. Proper posing addresses, accentuates, and make those curves sexy as hell.... every damn inch of  you is welcome in my space. Ps, I also have all the same parts you have, and I already know, I promise. 

This leads me to the next question...  What exactly can I do in Photoshop? Well the short answer is that Photoshop is a magic portal I carry your images through, reappear days later, exhausted, but sparkling. Butts may appear fuller, bulges slimmed, skin smooth as a fairy's ass. In short, like you were kissed by the fucking angels. 

Really though... I can do some serious shit in Photoshop, but their are moral limitations. I do what the image to look like you, just the best damn version of you that ever existed. If you have specific things you do or do not want removed post process be sure to let me know so we can plan ahead. Some issues can be addressed while posing, others are best left for post production.